Sometimes it happens to me that I miss the right time for my meals. Mainly over the weekend when I decide to take a nap during the day and end up sleeping 3 hours. I wake up and my body tells me that it is the highest time to eat again.
I would usually go to the fridge and just start to eat anything I can find. No matter if it is healthy or not. Or I would just prepare something that is fast and that I don't have to put much energy into it. Most of the times that would just be a plate full of pasta and loads of cheese. Because of course, when hungry, also my portion size is not right.
I tried to find a habit that would work for me and keep me from eating just anything I can find when I am at this stage of being hungry.
So I decided to grab a carott before I eat anything else. This keeps my mouth busy so I don't get the chance to eat anything else and it also calms my stomache for long enough so I can think about a healthy meal. And usually the carrot even lasts long enough for me to prepare the meal.
This is working for me extremely well. I hope this strategy will help you too.
(Picture source: © M. Grossmann/Pixelio.de)