Friday, July 30, 2010

The small sins of every day life

I have to confess that I did something bad tonight. I was invited to a small birthday party and of course alcohol was served. I wanted to drink only one glass but then ended up drinking a little more. I never meant to give up alcohol completely but I know that it will slow down my metabolism and that is not what I want. Nevertheless I could not resist today. It is a small weakness in my journey but I will get back on track tomorrow and start my day with some workout. I think I am going to do one of Zuzana's trainings from There are so many to choose from. I am sure I will find something to make up the little sin from tonight. I had some fun with my friends and this is no reason to give up or loose focus

Wish you a wonderful weekend.

Soja-Chicken with mushrooms

This is my lunch for today. I felt like being creative a little bit yesterday evening and cooked another meal after having dinner. Since we have a microwave where I work I can easily bring my own food from home.

So here is what you need for 1-2 servings:

150g chicken breast
3 large mushrooms
1/4 onion
3-4 tsp soja joghurt
2 tsp colza oil
salt, pepper, paprika
any vegetable you like (I used fennel)

Cut the vegetable into pieces and cook in salt water.
Cut the onion in small pieces and the chicken breast in stripes. Heat up the oil in a frying pan and broil for a few minutes. 5 minutes before the veggies are ready add the soja joghurt and 3-4 tsp of water. Add the mushroom which you cut into slices previously. Add the spices however you like it. I like it more spicy so added more of the pepper and paprika. Use the coriander carefully.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Tomato-Apricot salad recipe

Today I really felt like eating tomatos so I decided to create a small new salad. The apricot really gives it that special kick.

Here is what you need for 1 serving:

1/4 onion
2-3 medium sized tomatos
2 apricots (try to get sweet ones)
1-2 tbsp balsamico vinegar
2-3 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp mustard
salt, pepper

Cut the tomatos into pieces and mix it with the sliced apricots. For the sauce cut the onion into small pieces and mix it with the mustard, olive oil and the balsamico vinegar. Add salt and pepper as much as you like.
Mix everyhing with the sauce and let it sit for about 15 minutes to give it a chance to absorb the flavors of the spices and balsamico vinegar.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Running for better shape and

After talking a little bit about food I am going to focus on my workout today. I've had a very exhausting but satisfying workout yesterday in Fabio's Lifetraining. It felt great to move my body and use my muscles for other than getting up from the couch and walking to the fridge.

Today I discovered a new blog post called the Fat Ass Burn Off Workout on which inspired me to follow the challenge posted. I will try to follow the workouts that Zuzana does. Check out the website to learn more about her workouts.
I am sure they are going to help me reach my goal. I can't wait to start.

Additionally, while I am at it, I also want to improve my endurance. I have had a lack of endurance all my life. While the other kids would run around and have fun outside I mostly sat in front of the TV. Which meant that if I ever did go out to play I would get tired very fast and just couldn't enjoy it as much as the others.

It is time to change this!

After doing the workout from Zuzana and a sufficient amount of rest I am also going to go for a run. I am going to start with small steps. I plan on 5x2 minutes running with 2 minutes rest in between and then take it from there. With the Gymboss Interval Timer I purchased a few days ago I finally also have a tool to control my running times. I used to do it with my iPod and just run for one song and walk for one song. Which is really not a good method to track progress.

Wish me luck.

Grocery shopping haul and dinner recipe

Healthy eating starts with healthy shopping. So this afternoon I went to buy some fruits and vegies to ensure that I have all the things I need for healthy cooking.

For dinner I made chicken with potatoes, bell pepper and mushrooms.

For 2 servings you will need:
1/2 onion
1 tsp colza oil
4 small to medium size potatoes
1 medium size bell pepper
4 large mushrooms
200g of chicken breast
1 vegetable bouillon cube
some pepper and paprika

First peel the potatoes and cut them into four even sized parts. Boil some water, put the bouillon cube and the potatoes in it and cook for 5-10 minutes.
Cut the onion and the bell pepper into small slices and put them aside. Slice the chicken into pieces. They should be about the same size as the bell pepper slices.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and cook the onion, bell pepper and chicken breast for about 5 minutes. Get the potatoes out of the bouillon and add them to the frying pan. Use some of the bouillon to create a sauce. Cook for another 5 minutes then add the mushrooms.
Cook until the mushrooms are just a little soft.

Add pepper and paprika and you are finished.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Making healthy choices

The whole process will consist of two parts. First I want to control what I eat and secondly I want to exercise regularly. At least 5 times a week.

For the food part I have been to a nutritionist already a few weeks ago and she gave me some really good advice. I just never followed it. And I want to make myself more aware of what I put into my body. Especially when it comes to carbohydrates and fat. I don't want to cut it completely but try to make healthy choices.

I am starting my day with two slices of corn bread with a small amount of butter (no salt) and slices of banana instead of jam or honey. I want to make sure that I have enough energy to start my day and reduce the intake of carbs to the morning hours. This is really delicious.
I also decided to skip my coffee and have some tea instead. I am taking my breakfast with me to the office and I am drinking office-coffee which I can only have with cream instead of milk. When I stood at the machine I realized that this was not a healthy choice. So I went back and got the green tea I always keep at my desk. Green tea is also supposed to support the fat burning process. I don't know if this is true. I drink because I like it.

I brought some snacks with me for the day. I plan on eating 5-6 times a day which is boosting the fat burning process throughout the day. At least this is what I read. For snacks I have the second part of my banana, two tomatos and some cucumber.

Since I am eating my lunch at the cantine today I ordered a salad. This is the healthiest thing I can get there. I will try to prepare my meals in advance and take it with me for lunch more often. But I know that this will not always work. I need a good alternative and the salad seems to be a good option.

For tonight I am planning on going to a Lifetraining session. I have not been there for weeks. Wednesday has always been my favourite day to go there so I will take the opportunity that today is actually wednesday :).

I will keep you posted.


Introduction to my fitness journey

I have been trying for the past 6 years to get fit and finally look good in a bikini. I never made it. Mainly because of missing self-discipline. I read so many things about healthy food and fitness tips that I really know enough to reach my goal. It is just me. I never stick to anything. But this time I will take you with me and hope that this will give me additional motivation to look good in my bikini. I give myself 12 months. This should be feasible.

Today I am 1.60m (5.2'') tall and 56kg (124lbs). My BMI is normal. My weight is normal. But yet there is room for improvement. And I really wanna get rid of my cellulites.

Let me post some more pictures that were taken a few years ago. The cellulites is worse today. Unfortunately.